Contributing ============ This file describes a path to contribute to this project. Check out our `CODE OF CONDUCT <./CODE_OF_CONDUCT.rst>`__. Bug Reports and Feature Requests -------------------------------- If you have encountered a problem with QDarkStyle or have an idea for a new feature, please submit it to the `issue tracker <>`__. Contributing to QDarkStyle -------------------------- The recommended way for new contributors to submit code to QDarkStyle is to fork the repository on GitHub and then submit a pull request after committing the changes. The pull request will then need to be approved by one of the manteiners before it is merged into the main repository. - Check for open issues or open a fresh issue to start a discussion around a feature idea or a bug. - Fork `the repository <>`__ on GitHub to start making your changes to the master branch. - Write a test which shows that the bug was fixed or that the feature works as expected if its a function, or create a screenshot if you are changing the stylesheet evidencing the changes. - Send a pull request and bug the maintainer until it gets merged and published. Make sure to add yourself to `AUTHORS <./AUTHORS.rst>`__ and the change(s) to `CHANGES <./CHANGES.rst>`__. Getting Started --------------- These are the basic steps needed to start developing on QDarkStyle. - Create an account on GitHub - Fork the main `QDarkStyle repository <>`__ using the GitHub interface. - Clone the forked repository to your machine .. code:: bash git clone cd qdarkstyle - Checkout the appropriate branch .. code:: bash git checkout master - Setup a virtual environment (not essential, but highly recommended) .. code:: bash virtualenv ~/.venv . ~/.venv/bin/activate pip install -e . - Create a new working branch. Choose any name you like .. code:: bash git checkout -b feature-xyz - Hands on For tips on working with the code, see the Code Guide. - Test, test, test Testing is best done through ``tox``, which provides a number of targets and allows testing against multiple different Python environments: - Add you and your changes Please add a list item to `CHANGES <./CHANGES.rst>`__ if the fix or feature is not trivial (small doc updates, typo fixes). Please add you as an author to `AUTHORS <./AUTHORS.rst>`__. - Add files to commit Add files that are part of your changes, remember that each commit must represent a small but functional change. Remember to add CHANGES.rst and AUTHORS.rst too. To add all files changed do: :: ```bash git add . ``` - Commiting changes. GitHub recognizes certain phrases that can be used to automatically update the issue tracker, so you can commit like this: :: ```bash git commit -m "Add useful new feature that does this, close #42" ``` ```bash git commit -m "Fix returning problem for get_style(), fix #78" ``` - Push changes in the branch to your forked repository on GitHub. :: ```bash git push origin feature-xyz ``` - Submit a pull request (PR). Do it from your branch to the respective branch using the `GitHub PR <>`__ interface. - Wait for a mainteiner to review your changes. Logging ------- Inside modules we provided a logging that should be used to inform the user. Please, follow the levels bellow. - debug: for debug information, high detailed one, directed to programers; - info: something important for common user to know; - warning: something that should not be a big problem or a desicision changed; - error: some error, but not capable of stop program; - critical: something that could stop the running program. Documentation ------------- Documentation is the key to keep all information and necessary instructions to others. We use the reStructured text format (rst) for all docs. All new functions, classes, files, must be documented with all arguments, returns, exceptions. Whithout this it should not pass the tests. The better example is to see the current files to get the style. We are using the Google Format and Sphinx for generating the docs. Guide to QDarkStyle ------------------- Structure of the Example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now you can use our example to work on the stylesheet. It has all possible widget provided by Qt - common ones. Feel free to add more to them. To simplify the structure, there are separated files in `example.ui <./example/ui/>`__ folder. - ``dw_buttons.ui``: all types of buttons; - ``dw_containers_no_tabs.ui``: all types of containers except for tabs; - ``dw_containers_tabs.ui``: all containers tabs; - ``dw_displays.ui``: all types of displays; - ``dw_inputs_fields.ui``: all types of inputs with fields; - ``dw_inputs_no_fields.ui``: all types of inputs without fields; - ``dw_views.ui``: all types of views; - ``dw_widgets.ui``: all types of widgets; - ``mw_menus.ui``: main window with all menus and toolbars. *Obs.: ``dw`` stands for dock widget and ``mw`` for main window.* The entire example is built at runtime, in ` <./example/>`__. To see more information about it, see its documentation. Modifying UI Files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Feel free to modify `ui <./example/ui>`__ files with Qt Designer and recompile UI using `process\ <./script/>`__ script, inside script folder, using: :: ```bash python ``` It will generate all ```` files for PyQt4, PyQt5, PySide, QtPy, PyQtGraph. Modifying QSS File ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are changing the `stylesheet <./qdarkstyle/style.qss>`__, you will need to recompile the QRC files using `process\ <./script/>`__ script, inside script folder. :: ```bash python ``` This generates all ```` files for PyQt4, PyQt5, PySide, QtPy, PyQtGraph. Making It Easy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To simplify this process for the developer, if you are changing many things, use the script `run\_ui\_css\ <./script/>`__: :: ```bash python ``` This creates a loop that restarts the application, process ui and css files. For more information about those scripts, see their documentation. Qt, Stylesheets, Palettes and Icons ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `Box model <>`__ - `Box model with height and width <>`__ - `Customizing Widgets <>`__ - `Window structure <>`__ - `QMainWindow <>`__ - `References <>`__ Create good palettes with these tools. For example, on paletton, choose three colors from greyish light (foreground), greyish dark (background) and three more colorfull colors (selection). Greyish colors have a litle bit of the main color, so it is nice to change it if you change the main color. - ` <>`__ - ` <>`__ As a minimal guide to create new icons (svg) images, we list two main sources. - `Material <>`__ - `KDE <>`__ Main characteristics of SVG images are: - Base size: 32px X 32px; - Border: 2px space, except continuous lines; - Corners and line end's: rounded; - Line: 2px minimum thickness. Complementary thickness using multiples of 2px; - Spacing: 4px when needed; - Color: #ff0000, red for all images - programatically changed; - Keep only structural changes in images, not colors, e.g, states hover and disabled; - Lines and shapes should align with the grid centralized; - Names: from basic form to specific, so they keep grouped. Ex.: arrow\_left, arrow\_up. Some example are given below for the horizontal Handle, Minimize, and checked Checkbox. .. raw:: html <table style="width:100%"> .. raw:: html <tr> :: <th colspan=3>Examples of icons</th> .. raw:: html </tr> .. raw:: html <tr> :: <td><img src="./images/icon_checkbox_indeterminated.png"/></td> <td><img src="./images/icon_minimize.png"/></td> <td><img src="./images/move.png"/></td> .. raw:: html </tr> .. raw:: html </table> Unit Testing and Fix Preview ---------------------------- It is a good practice, if you are writing functions to QDarkStyle or fixing something related to those functions (not style), that you provide a test for it. If you are fixing something about style, please, at least, provide an screenshot before and after the fix to comparison. This could be inserted in the issue tracker, as a message. Better than that, use modules provided in test folder to create a GUI test, creating a new file for it. Check `test <./test>`__ files to more details. Tests will keep our application stable. If You Are a Mantainer, Go Ahead to Production ---------------------------------------------- Of course, until you start these steps, make sure the package have passed all tests and checkers before continue. You must have accoutns to both test and oficial PyPI website below along with be inserted as a maintainer in both. 1. Install ``twine`` ``pip install twine`` 2. Generate a distribution (code package and wheel) ``python sdist bdist_wheel`` 3. Check with ``twine``, which also tests README format for PyPI ``twine check dist/*`` 4. Try upload in `PyPI test page <>`__ platform before the oficial ``twine upload --repository-url dist/*`` 5. Try to install from test ``pip install --no-deps --index-url qdarkstyle`` 6. Then, remove it ``pip uninstall qdarkstyle -y`` 7. Upload to `PyPI official page <>`__ ``twine upload --repository-url dist/*`` 8. Try to install from oficial ``pip install qdarkstyle`` You can also use the tox environment to produce the release and upload the distribution. :: `tox -e release`