<!-- You can erase any parts of this template not applicable/known to your Issue. -->

### Describe Your Environment

Please, report the output of the command (from v2.6+) or fill the information below:

`$ qdarkstyle --all`

Or use the helpdev if you have

`$ helpdev`

[Versions from your environment]

- QDarkStyle:
- OS:
- Python:

[If used, please inform their versions]

- PySide:
- PyQt:
- PyQtGraph:
- QtPy:

### Language

[Python] or [C++]

### Description / Steps to Reproduce [if necessary]

[Description of the issue]

1. [First Step]
2. [Second Step]
3. [and so on...]

### Actual Result

[A description, output ou image of the actual result]

### Expected Results / Proposed Result

[A description, output ou image of the expected/proposed result]

### Relevant Code [if necessary]

[A piece of code to reproduce and/or fix this issue]

# code here to reproduce the problem