# # Copyright 2016 - 2021 gary@drinkingtea.net # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # ifeq (${OS},Windows_NT) SHELL := powershell.exe .SHELLFLAGS := -NoProfile -Command OS=windows HOST_ENV=${OS} else OS=$(shell uname | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]) HOST_ENV=${OS}-$(shell uname -m) endif DEVENV=devenv$(shell pwd | sed 's/\//-/g') DEVENV_IMAGE=${PROJECT_NAME}-devenv ifneq ($(shell which docker 2> /dev/null),) ifeq ($(shell docker inspect --format="{{.State.Status}}" ${DEVENV} 2>&1),running) ENV_RUN=docker exec -i -t --user $(shell id -u ${USER}) ${DEVENV} endif endif ifneq ($(shell ${ENV_RUN} which python3 2> /dev/null),) PYTHON3=python3 else ifeq ($(shell ${ENV_RUN} python -c 'import sys; print(sys.version_info[0])'),3) PYTHON3=python endif endif SCRIPTS=${BUILDCORE_PATH}/scripts SETUP_BUILD=${PYTHON3} ${SCRIPTS}/setup-build.py PYBB=${PYTHON3} ${SCRIPTS}/pybb.py CMAKE_BUILD=${PYBB} cmake-build CTEST=${PYBB} ctest-all RM_RF=${PYBB} rm ifdef USE_VCPKG ifndef VCPKG_DIR_BASE VCPKG_DIR_BASE=.vcpkg endif ifndef VCPKG_VERSION VCPKG_VERSION=2020.06 endif VCPKG_TOOLCHAIN=--toolchain=${VCPKG_DIR}/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake endif ifeq ($(OS),darwin) DEBUGGER=lldb -- else DEBUGGER=gdb --args endif VCPKG_DIR=$(VCPKG_DIR_BASE)/$(VCPKG_VERSION)-$(HOST_ENV) CURRENT_BUILD=$(HOST_ENV)-$(shell ${ENV_RUN} ${PYBB} cat .current_build) .PHONY: build build: ${ENV_RUN} ${CMAKE_BUILD} build .PHONY: install install: ${ENV_RUN} ${CMAKE_BUILD} build install .PHONY: clean clean: ${ENV_RUN} ${CMAKE_BUILD} build clean .PHONY: purge purge: ${ENV_RUN} ${RM_RF} .current_build ${ENV_RUN} ${RM_RF} build ${ENV_RUN} ${RM_RF} dist .PHONY: test test: build ${ENV_RUN} ${CMAKE_BUILD} build test .PHONY: test-verbose test-verbose: build ${ENV_RUN} ${CTEST} build --output-on-failure .PHONY: test-rerun-verbose test-rerun-verbose: build ${ENV_RUN} ${CTEST} build --rerun-failed --output-on-failure .PHONY: devenv-image devenv-image: docker build . -t ${DEVENV_IMAGE} .PHONY: devenv-create devenv-create: docker run -d \ -e LOCAL_USER_ID=$(shell id -u ${USER}) \ -e DISPLAY=$(DISPLAY) \ -e QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=1 \ -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \ -v /run/dbus/:/run/dbus/ \ -v $(shell pwd):/usr/src/project \ -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm \ --restart=always \ --name ${DEVENV} \ -t ${DEVENV_IMAGE} bash .PHONY: devenv-destroy devenv-destroy: docker rm -f ${DEVENV} ifdef ENV_RUN .PHONY: devenv-shell devenv-shell: ${ENV_RUN} bash endif ifdef USE_VCPKG .PHONY: vcpkg vcpkg: ${VCPKG_DIR} vcpkg-install ${VCPKG_DIR}: ${ENV_RUN} ${RM_RF} ${VCPKG_DIR} ${ENV_RUN} mkdir -p ${VCPKG_DIR_BASE} ${ENV_RUN} git clone -b release --depth 1 --branch ${VCPKG_VERSION} https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg.git ${VCPKG_DIR} ifneq (${OS},windows) ${ENV_RUN} ${VCPKG_DIR}/bootstrap-vcpkg.sh else ${ENV_RUN} ${VCPKG_DIR}/bootstrap-vcpkg.bat endif .PHONY: vcpkg-install vcpkg-install: ifneq (${OS},windows) ${VCPKG_DIR}/vcpkg install ${VCPKG_PKGS} else ${VCPKG_DIR}/vcpkg install --triplet x64-windows ${VCPKG_PKGS} endif else ifdef USE_CONAN # USE_VCPKG ################################################ .PHONY: setup-conan conan-config: ${ENV_RUN} conan profile new ${PROJECT_NAME} --detect --force ifeq ($(OS),linux) ${ENV_RUN} conan profile update settings.compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 ${PROJECT_NAME} else ${ENV_RUN} conan profile update settings.compiler.cppstd=20 ${PROJECT_NAME} ifeq ($(OS),windows) ${ENV_RUN} conan profile update settings.compiler.runtime=static ${PROJECT_NAME} endif endif .PHONY: conan conan: ${ENV_RUN} ${PYBB} conan-install ${PROJECT_NAME} endif # USE_VCPKG ############################################### .PHONY: configure-xcode configure-xcode: ${ENV_RUN} ${SETUP_BUILD} ${VCPKG_TOOLCHAIN} --build_tool=xcode --current_build=0 .PHONY: configure-release configure-release: ${ENV_RUN} ${SETUP_BUILD} ${VCPKG_TOOLCHAIN} --build_type=release .PHONY: configure-debug configure-debug: ${ENV_RUN} ${SETUP_BUILD} ${VCPKG_TOOLCHAIN} --build_type=debug .PHONY: configure-asan configure-asan: ${ENV_RUN} ${SETUP_BUILD} ${VCPKG_TOOLCHAIN} --build_type=asan