1324 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
b3fb724ae7 [nostalgia/studio] Cleanup 2021-05-08 22:33:03 -05:00
15d8e9de5b [ox/std] Add iterator to Vector 2021-05-08 22:03:33 -05:00
9a31e898d0 [ox/std] Add Error return value to {,B}String::append 2021-05-07 16:10:41 -05:00
800e04b3b9 [ox/std] Fix stacktrace shave 2021-05-07 07:01:04 -05:00
0f1fbe40dd [ox/std] Increase trace buffer length 2021-05-07 06:48:17 -05:00
1c509ca20d [ox/std] Improve stacktrace clarity 2021-05-07 06:45:10 -05:00
462f5b580b [ox/std] Add sfmt 2021-05-06 12:39:41 -05:00
fb59d8033b [ox/std] Add append to String and cleanup BString::operator+= 2021-05-06 11:58:27 -05:00
a5bb1eeed0 [ox/std] Add Deleter parameter to UniquePtr 2021-05-06 08:21:54 -04:00
46ea85fa7d [ox] Cleanup unnecessary namespace specifications 2021-05-05 21:19:10 -04:00
72f53b08cb [ox/std] Add size_type and value_type to Vector 2021-05-05 17:00:37 -04:00
5fe91ae577 [nostalgia/core/gba] Remove now unnecessary casts 2021-05-03 22:08:37 -04:00
25504d87af [ox/fs] Make directAccess return const char* 2021-05-03 22:06:24 -04:00
d49576451c [nostalgia] Add models and serialization to Developer Handbook 2021-05-03 21:51:56 -04:00
a415e86ae5 [ox/mc] Cleanup 2021-05-03 21:37:00 -04:00
ed598378ae [ox/oc] Cleanup 2021-05-03 21:16:19 -04:00
af7dbd1aee [ox/claw] Fix writeClawHeader to move return value 2021-05-03 20:59:43 -04:00
8f48042a29 [ox/oc] Fix write to move return value 2021-05-03 20:59:06 -04:00
51ae33aed2 [ox/oc] Replace Vector<char> with Buffer 2021-05-03 20:38:13 -04:00
1da5e60655 [ox/{claw,mc}] Fix write functions to move return values 2021-05-03 20:37:20 -04:00
947b1e7798 [ox/claw] Replace Vector<char> with Buffer 2021-05-03 20:09:08 -04:00
d20a24d10f [ox/std] Switch String from Vector<char> to Buffer 2021-05-03 15:12:19 -04:00
c1418cdd6c [ox/fs] Cleanup 2021-05-03 14:56:00 -04:00
d01ff63527 [ox/{mc,oc}] Cleanup 2021-05-03 14:52:36 -04:00
ceebc05ee9 [ox/std] Add Buffer as Vector<char> alias 2021-05-03 14:42:41 -04:00
504d248ce3 [nostalgia/core] Make FileAddress args const ref 2021-05-03 14:32:02 -04:00
937bf3ad91 [ox/fs] Make FileAddress args into const refs 2021-05-03 14:26:02 -04:00
4f2c0b2e30 [ox] Replace uint8_t* with char* as buffer type in MC, OC, and Model 2021-05-03 14:16:23 -04:00
c4c1979123 [nostalgia/player] Cleanup 2021-05-03 13:51:48 -04:00
35a08a4ce8 [nostalgia/tools/pack] Cleanup 2021-05-03 13:51:20 -04:00
33d40b1839 [nostalgia/core/sdl] Cleanup 2021-05-03 13:50:45 -04:00
6c302b7d1c [nostalgia/core/userland] Cleanup readObj 2021-05-03 13:43:19 -04:00
239f4d149d [nostalgia/core/userland] Cleanup 2021-05-03 13:38:12 -04:00
18491dafd9 [ox/oc] Move vector handling over to isVector_v 2021-05-03 13:35:50 -04:00
3a335084c9 [ox/model] Fix modelEquals string and vector handling 2021-05-03 13:31:31 -04:00
eb1a83d907 [ox/model] Add isVector_v 2021-05-03 13:15:33 -04:00
704b94f471 [ox/mc] Switch Vector detection over to isVector_v 2021-05-03 13:13:40 -04:00
e2e62a235a [ox/claw] Cleanup 2021-05-03 11:42:05 -04:00
8f53dda1e2 [ox/fs] Add move methods to FileAddress and fix copy operator to cleanup 2021-05-03 11:39:29 -04:00
a84eb013c9 [nostalgia] Make use buildcore defined buffer 2021-04-29 23:36:44 -05:00
84c42f3584 [buildcore] Make debugger vary by platform 2021-04-29 23:35:57 -05:00
809dbc69b1 [nostalgia/tools/pack] Cleanup 2021-04-29 01:18:26 -05:00
cbc0fc983c [ox/fs] Cleanup 2021-04-29 01:14:54 -05:00
bccae1c613 [ox/std] Update TraceMsg model 2021-04-28 22:35:53 -05:00
85f3904115 [ox/std] Improve noexcept correctness and make Error parameters into references 2021-04-25 15:05:39 -05:00
ee6929c7f0 [ox/claw] Cleanup error handling 2021-04-25 15:01:11 -05:00
6c629a9f13 [ox/oc] Cleanup test scaffolding and replace cout with oxOut 2021-04-25 14:49:57 -05:00
356d6a5036 [ox/std] Fix UniquePtr comparison operators to take const references to avoid copying 2021-04-25 02:33:39 -05:00
5e78289cbc [ox/std] Make fmt stringify(std::string) require C++20 and remove QString variant 2021-04-25 02:07:08 -05:00
3ead29a8bb [ox/std] Make oxIgnoreError constexpr 2021-04-24 15:50:02 -05:00