[nostalgia] Add implementation of single tile sprites on OpenGL
This commit is contained in:
@ -61,6 +61,11 @@ class Context {
unsigned cbb,
const ox::FileAddress &tilesheetPath,
const ox::FileAddress &palettePath) noexcept;
friend ox::Error loadSpriteTileSheet(Context *ctx,
const ox::FileAddress &tilesheetAddr,
const ox::FileAddress &paletteAddr) noexcept;
friend ox::Result<struct TileSheetData> loadTileSheet(Context *ctx,
const struct CompactTileSheet &tilesheetAddr) noexcept;
friend ox::Error run(Context *ctx) noexcept;
friend void shutdown(Context *ctx) noexcept;
friend ox::Result<ox::UniquePtr<Context>> init(ox::UniquePtr<ox::FileSystem> fs, ox::CRStringView appName) noexcept;
@ -77,6 +82,15 @@ class Context {
friend constexpr void setKeyEventHandler(Context *ctx, KeyEventHandler h) noexcept;
friend constexpr KeyEventHandler keyEventHandler(Context *ctx) noexcept;
friend void setTile(Context *ctx, unsigned bgIdx, int column, int row, uint8_t tile) noexcept;
friend void setSprite(Context *ctx,
unsigned idx,
int x,
int y,
unsigned tileIdx,
unsigned spriteShape,
unsigned spriteSize,
unsigned flipX) noexcept;
friend void hideSprite(Context *ctx, unsigned idx) noexcept;
ox::UniquePtr<ox::FileSystem> rom;
@ -253,15 +253,15 @@ void hideSprite(Context*, unsigned idx) noexcept {
void setSprite(Context*,
unsigned idx,
unsigned x,
unsigned y,
int x,
int y,
unsigned tileIdx,
unsigned spriteShape,
unsigned spriteSize,
unsigned flipX) noexcept {
oxAssert(g_spriteUpdates < config::GbaSpriteBufferLen, "Sprite update buffer overflow");
GbaSpriteAttrUpdate oa;
oa.attr0 = static_cast<uint16_t>(y & ox::onMask<uint8_t>(0b111))
oa.attr0 = static_cast<uint16_t>(y & ox::onMask<uint8_t>(0b111'1111))
| (static_cast<uint16_t>(1) << 10) // enable alpha
| (static_cast<uint16_t>(spriteShape) << 14);
oa.attr1 = (static_cast<uint16_t>(x) & ox::onMask<uint8_t>(8))
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ struct TileSheet {
auto idx(const geo::Point &pt) const noexcept {
constexpr auto idx(const geo::Point &pt) const noexcept {
return ptToIdx(pt, columns);
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@ struct TileSheet {
* @param pBpp bits per pixel, need for knowing how to count the pixels
* @return a count of the pixels in this sheet
constexpr auto pixelCnt(int8_t pBpp) const noexcept {
return pBpp == 4 ? pixels.size() * 2 : pixels.size();
@ -287,13 +288,9 @@ struct TileSheet {
SubSheet subsheet{"Root", 1, 1, bpp};
constexpr TileSheet() noexcept = default;
inline TileSheet(const TileSheet &other) noexcept:
subsheet(other.subsheet) {
TileSheet(const TileSheet &other) noexcept = default;
inline TileSheet(TileSheet &&other) noexcept:
subsheet(std::move(other.subsheet)) {
@ -468,14 +465,24 @@ oxModelEnd()
struct Sprite {
unsigned idx = 0;
unsigned x = 0;
unsigned y = 0;
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
unsigned tileIdx = 0;
unsigned spriteShape = 0;
unsigned spriteSize = 0;
unsigned flipX = 0;
ox::Error initGfx(Context *ctx) noexcept;
void addCustomDrawer(Context *ctx, Drawer *cd) noexcept;
@ -526,7 +533,7 @@ void clearTileLayer(Context *ctx, unsigned bgIdx) noexcept;
void hideSprite(Context *ctx, unsigned) noexcept;
void setSprite(Context *ctx, unsigned idx, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned tileIdx,
void setSprite(Context *ctx, unsigned idx, int x, int y, unsigned tileIdx,
unsigned spriteShape = 0, unsigned spriteSize = 0, unsigned flipX = 0) noexcept;
void setSprite(Context *ctx, const Sprite &s) noexcept;
@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ ox::Error run(Context *ctx) noexcept {
while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(id->window)) {
const auto ticks = ticksMs(ctx);
if (id->eventHandler) {
if (id->wakeupTime <= ticks) {
sleepTime = id->eventHandler(ctx);
if (sleepTime >= 0) {
@ -40,7 +39,6 @@ ox::Error run(Context *ctx) noexcept {
} else {
id->wakeupTime = ~uint64_t(0);
} else {
sleepTime = 10;
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ namespace nostalgia::core {
struct GlfwImplData {
struct GLFWwindow *window = nullptr;
int64_t startTime = 0;
UpdateHandler eventHandler = nullptr;
UpdateHandler eventHandler = [](Context*) -> int {return 0;};
KeyEventHandler keyEventHandler = nullptr;
uint64_t wakeupTime = 0;
uint64_t keysDown = 0;
@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ ox::Error loadBgTileSheet(Context*,
ox::Error loadSpriteTileSheet(Context*,
const ox::FileAddress&,
const ox::FileAddress&) noexcept {
return OxError(0);
@ -91,8 +90,8 @@ void hideSprite(Context*, unsigned) noexcept {
void setSprite(Context*,
@ -17,39 +17,58 @@ ox::Error initConsole(Context *ctx) noexcept {
return loadBgTileSheet(ctx, 0, TilesheetAddr, PaletteAddr);
ox::Error loadBgTileSheet(Context *ctx,
unsigned cbb,
const ox::FileAddress &tilesheetPath,
const ox::FileAddress &palettePath) noexcept {
oxRequire(tilesheet, readObj<CompactTileSheet>(ctx, tilesheetPath));
oxRequire(palette, readObj<Palette>(ctx, palettePath ? palettePath : tilesheet->defaultPalette));
const unsigned bytesPerTile = tilesheet->bpp == 8 ? 64 : 32;
const auto tiles = tilesheet->pixels.size() / bytesPerTile;
struct TileSheetData {
ox::Vector<uint32_t> pixels;
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
ox::Result<TileSheetData> loadTileSheet(Context *ctx, const CompactTileSheet &tilesheet) noexcept {
const unsigned bytesPerTile = tilesheet.bpp == 8 ? 64 : 32;
const auto tiles = tilesheet.pixels.size() / bytesPerTile;
constexpr int width = 8;
const int height = 8 * static_cast<int>(tiles);
ox::Vector<uint32_t> pixels;
if (bytesPerTile == 64) { // 8 BPP
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < tilesheet->pixels.size(); ++i) {
pixels[i] = tilesheet->pixels[i];
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < tilesheet.pixels.size(); ++i) {
pixels[i] = tilesheet.pixels[i];
} else { // 4 BPP
pixels.resize(tilesheet->pixels.size() * 2);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < tilesheet->pixels.size(); ++i) {
pixels[i * 2 + 0] = tilesheet->pixels[i] & 0xF;
pixels[i * 2 + 1] = tilesheet->pixels[i] >> 4;
pixels.resize(tilesheet.pixels.size() * 2);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < tilesheet.pixels.size(); ++i) {
pixels[i * 2 + 0] = tilesheet.pixels[i] & 0xF;
pixels[i * 2 + 1] = tilesheet.pixels[i] >> 4;
const auto rd = ctx->rendererData<void>();
renderer::loadBgTexture(rd, cbb, pixels.data(), width, height);
renderer::loadBgPalette(rd, *palette);
return OxError(0);
renderer::loadSpriteTexture(rd, pixels.data(), width, height);
return TileSheetData{std::move(pixels), width, height};
ox::Error loadSpriteTileSheet(Context*,
const ox::FileAddress&,
const ox::FileAddress&) noexcept {
return OxError(0);
ox::Error loadBgTileSheet(Context *ctx,
unsigned cbb,
const ox::FileAddress &tilesheetAddr,
const ox::FileAddress &paletteAddr) noexcept {
oxRequire(tilesheet, readObj<CompactTileSheet>(ctx, tilesheetAddr));
oxRequire(palette, readObj<Palette>(ctx, paletteAddr ? paletteAddr : tilesheet->defaultPalette));
oxRequire(tsd, loadTileSheet(ctx, *tilesheet));
const auto rd = ctx->rendererData<void>();
renderer::loadBgTexture(rd, cbb, tsd.pixels.data(), tsd.width, tsd.height);
renderer::loadBgPalette(rd, *palette);
return {};
ox::Error loadSpriteTileSheet(Context *ctx,
const ox::FileAddress &tilesheetAddr,
const ox::FileAddress &paletteAddr) noexcept {
oxRequire(tilesheet, readObj<CompactTileSheet>(ctx, tilesheetAddr));
oxRequire(palette, readObj<Palette>(ctx, paletteAddr ? paletteAddr : tilesheet->defaultPalette));
oxRequire(tsd, loadTileSheet(ctx, *tilesheet));
const auto rd = ctx->rendererData<void>();
renderer::loadSpriteTexture(rd, tsd.pixels.data(), tsd.width, tsd.height);
renderer::loadSpritePalette(rd, *palette);
return {};
void puts(Context *ctx, int column, int row, ox::CRStringView str) noexcept {
@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ void shutdown(Context *ctx, void *rendererData) noexcept;
void loadBgPalette(void *rendererData, const Palette &pal) noexcept;
void loadBgTexture(void *rendererData, unsigned cbb, void *pixels, int w, int h) noexcept;
void loadBgTexture(void *rendererData, unsigned cbb, const void *pixels, int w, int h) noexcept;
void loadSpritePalette(void *rendererData, const Palette &pal) noexcept;
void loadSpriteTexture(void *rendererData, const void *pixels, int w, int h) noexcept;
@ -22,36 +22,53 @@ namespace renderer {
constexpr uint64_t TileRows = 128;
constexpr uint64_t TileColumns = 128;
constexpr uint64_t TileCount = TileRows * TileColumns;
constexpr uint64_t SpriteCount = 128;
constexpr uint64_t BgVertexVboRows = 4;
constexpr uint64_t BgVertexVboRowLength = 4;
constexpr uint64_t BgVertexVboLength = BgVertexVboRows * BgVertexVboRowLength;
constexpr uint64_t BgVertexEboLength = 6;
constexpr uint64_t SpriteVertexVboRows = 4;
constexpr uint64_t SpriteVertexVboRowLength = 5;
constexpr uint64_t SpriteVertexVboLength = SpriteVertexVboRows * SpriteVertexVboRowLength;
constexpr uint64_t SpriteVertexEboLength = 6;
struct CBB: public glutils::BufferSet {
bool updated = false;
CBB() noexcept {
constexpr CBB() noexcept {
vertices.resize(TileCount * BgVertexVboLength);
elements.resize(TileCount * BgVertexEboLength);
struct SpriteBlockset: public glutils::BufferSet {
bool updated = false;
constexpr SpriteBlockset() noexcept {
vertices.resize(SpriteCount * SpriteVertexVboLength);
elements.resize(SpriteCount * SpriteVertexEboLength);
struct Background {
bool enabled = false;
unsigned cbbIdx = 0;
struct Sprite {
bool enabled = false;
struct GlImplData {
glutils::GLProgram bgShader;
glutils::GLProgram spriteShader;
int64_t prevFpsCheckTime = 0;
uint64_t draws = 0;
ox::Array<CBB, 4> cbbs;
SpriteBlockset spriteBlocks;
ox::Array<Sprite, 128> spriteStates;
ox::Array<Background, 4> backgrounds;
static constexpr std::size_t ColorCnt = 256;
ox::Array<GLfloat, ColorCnt * 3> palette{};
constexpr const GLchar *bgvshad = R"(
constexpr ox::StringView bgvshadTmpl = R"(
in vec2 vTexCoord;
in vec2 vPosition;
@ -62,15 +79,39 @@ constexpr const GLchar *bgvshad = R"(
fTexCoord = vTexCoord * vec2(1, vTileHeight);
constexpr const GLchar *bgfshad = R"(
constexpr ox::StringView bgfshadTmpl = R"(
out vec4 outColor;
in vec2 fTexCoord;
uniform sampler2D image;
uniform vec3 fPalette[256];
uniform vec4 fPalette[256];
void main() {
int idx = int(texture(image, fTexCoord).rgb.r * 256);
outColor = vec4(fPalette[idx], 1.0);
outColor = fPalette[idx];
//outColor = vec4(0.0, 0.7, 1.0, 1.0);
constexpr ox::StringView spritevshadTmpl = R"(
in float vEnabled;
in vec2 vTexCoord;
in vec2 vPosition;
out vec2 fTexCoord;
uniform float vTileHeight;
void main() {
gl_Position = vec4(vPosition, 0.0, 1.0);
fTexCoord = vTexCoord * vec2(1, vTileHeight) * vec2(vEnabled, vEnabled);
constexpr ox::StringView spritefshadTmpl = R"(
out vec4 outColor;
in vec2 fTexCoord;
uniform sampler2D image;
uniform vec4 fPalette[256];
void main() {
int idx = int(texture(image, fTexCoord).rgb.r * 256);
outColor = fPalette[idx];
//outColor = vec4(0.0, 0.7, 1.0, 1.0);
@ -79,8 +120,46 @@ static constexpr auto bgVertexRow(unsigned x, unsigned y) noexcept {
return y * TileRows + x;
static void
setTileBufferObject(Context *ctx, unsigned vi, float x, float y, int textureRow, float *vbo, GLuint *ebo) noexcept {
static void setSpriteBufferObject(Context *ctx,
unsigned vi,
float enabled,
float x, float y,
unsigned textureRow,
unsigned flipX,
float *vbo,
GLuint *ebo) noexcept {
// don't worry, this memcpy gets optimized to something much more ideal
const auto [sw, sh] = getScreenSize(ctx);
constexpr float ymod = 0.1f;
const auto xmod = ymod * static_cast<float>(sh) / static_cast<float>(sw);
x *= xmod;
y *= -ymod;
x -= 1.f;
y += 1.f - ymod;
const auto textureRowf = static_cast<float>(textureRow);
const float L = flipX ? 1 : 0;
const float R = flipX ? 0 : 1;
const ox::Array<float, SpriteVertexVboLength> vertices {
enabled, x, y, L, textureRowf + 1, // bottom left
enabled, x + xmod, y, R, textureRowf + 1, // bottom right
enabled, x + xmod, y + ymod, R, textureRowf + 0, // top right
enabled, x, y + ymod, L, textureRowf + 0, // top left
memcpy(vbo, vertices.data(), sizeof(vertices));
const ox::Array<GLuint, SpriteVertexEboLength> elms {
vi + 0, vi + 1, vi + 2,
vi + 2, vi + 3, vi + 0,
memcpy(ebo, elms.data(), sizeof(elms));
static void setTileBufferObject(Context *ctx,
unsigned vi,
float x,
float y,
unsigned textureRow,
float *vbo,
GLuint *ebo) noexcept {
// don't worry, this memcpy gets optimized to something much more ideal
const auto [sw, sh] = getScreenSize(ctx);
constexpr float ymod = 2.0f / 20.0f;
@ -89,11 +168,12 @@ setTileBufferObject(Context *ctx, unsigned vi, float x, float y, int textureRow,
y *= -ymod;
x -= 1.0f;
y += 1.0f - ymod;
const auto textureRowf = static_cast<float>(textureRow);
const ox::Array<float, BgVertexVboLength> vertices {
x, y, 0, static_cast<float>(textureRow + 1), // bottom left
x + xmod, y, 1, static_cast<float>(textureRow + 1), // bottom right
x + xmod, y + ymod, 1, static_cast<float>(textureRow + 0), // top right
x, y + ymod, 0, static_cast<float>(textureRow + 0), // top left
x, y, 0, textureRowf + 1, // bottom left
x + xmod, y, 1, textureRowf + 1, // bottom right
x + xmod, y + ymod, 1, textureRowf + 0, // top right
x, y + ymod, 0, textureRowf + 0, // top left
memcpy(vbo, vertices.data(), sizeof(vertices));
const ox::Array<GLuint, BgVertexEboLength> elms {
@ -103,6 +183,14 @@ setTileBufferObject(Context *ctx, unsigned vi, float x, float y, int textureRow,
memcpy(ebo, elms.data(), sizeof(elms));
static void initSpriteBufferObjects(Context *ctx, glutils::BufferSet *bs) noexcept {
for (auto i = 0u; i < SpriteCount; ++i) {
auto vbo = &bs->vertices[i * static_cast<std::size_t>(SpriteVertexVboLength)];
auto ebo = &bs->elements[i * static_cast<std::size_t>(SpriteVertexEboLength)];
setSpriteBufferObject(ctx, i * SpriteVertexVboRows, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, vbo, ebo);
static void initBackgroundBufferObjects(Context *ctx, glutils::BufferSet *bg) noexcept {
for (auto x = 0u; x < TileColumns; ++x) {
for (auto y = 0u; y < TileRows; ++y) {
@ -114,6 +202,30 @@ static void initBackgroundBufferObjects(Context *ctx, glutils::BufferSet *bg) no
static void initSpritesBufferset(Context *ctx, GLuint shader, glutils::BufferSet *bs) noexcept {
// vao
bs->vao = glutils::generateVertexArrayObject();
// vbo & ebo
bs->vbo = glutils::generateBuffer();
bs->ebo = glutils::generateBuffer();
initSpriteBufferObjects(ctx, bs);
// vbo layout
auto enabledAttr = static_cast<GLuint>(glGetAttribLocation(shader, "vEnabled"));
glVertexAttribPointer(enabledAttr, 1, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, SpriteVertexVboRowLength * sizeof(float), nullptr);
auto posAttr = static_cast<GLuint>(glGetAttribLocation(shader, "vPosition"));
glVertexAttribPointer(posAttr, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, SpriteVertexVboRowLength * sizeof(float),
reinterpret_cast<void*>(1 * sizeof(float)));
auto texCoordAttr = static_cast<GLuint>(glGetAttribLocation(shader, "vTexCoord"));
glVertexAttribPointer(texCoordAttr, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, SpriteVertexVboRowLength * sizeof(float),
reinterpret_cast<void*>(3 * sizeof(float)));
static void initBackgroundBufferset(Context *ctx, GLuint shader, glutils::BufferSet *bg) noexcept {
// vao
bg->vao = glutils::generateVertexArrayObject();
@ -134,7 +246,7 @@ static void initBackgroundBufferset(Context *ctx, GLuint shader, glutils::Buffer
reinterpret_cast<void*>(2 * sizeof(float)));
static glutils::GLTexture loadTexture(GLsizei w, GLsizei h, void *pixels) noexcept {
static glutils::GLTexture loadTexture(GLsizei w, GLsizei h, const void *pixels) noexcept {
GLuint texId = 0;
glGenTextures(1, &texId);
glutils::GLTexture tex(texId);
@ -179,10 +291,9 @@ static void drawBackground(CBB *cbb) noexcept {
static void drawBackgrounds(GlImplData *id) noexcept {
// load background shader and its uniforms
const auto uniformPalette = static_cast<GLint>(glGetUniformLocation(id->bgShader, "fPalette"));
const auto uniformTileHeight = static_cast<GLint>(glGetUniformLocation(id->bgShader, "vTileHeight"));
glUniform3fv(uniformPalette, GlImplData::ColorCnt, id->palette.data());
for (auto &bg : id->backgrounds) {
//glUniform3fv(uniformPalette, GlImplData::ColorCnt, id->palette.data());
for (const auto &bg : id->backgrounds) {
if (bg.enabled) {
auto &cbb = id->cbbs[bg.cbbIdx];
const auto tileRows = cbb.tex.height / TileHeight;
@ -192,16 +303,39 @@ static void drawBackgrounds(GlImplData *id) noexcept {
static void drawSprites(GlImplData *id) noexcept {
auto &sb = id->spriteBlocks;
const auto uniformTileHeight = static_cast<GLint>(glGetUniformLocation(id->spriteShader, "vTileHeight"));
// update vbo
if (sb.updated) {
sb.updated = false;
// set vTileHeight uniform
const auto tileRows = sb.tex.height / TileHeight;
glUniform1f(uniformTileHeight, 1.0f / static_cast<float>(tileRows));
// draw
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, sb.tex);
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, static_cast<GLsizei>(sb.elements.size()), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, nullptr);
ox::Error init(Context *ctx, void **rendererData) noexcept {
const auto vshad = ox::sfmt(bgvshad, glutils::GlslVersion);
const auto fshad = ox::sfmt(bgfshad, glutils::GlslVersion);
oxRequireM(bgShader, glutils::buildShaderProgram(vshad.c_str(), fshad.c_str()));
const auto id = new GlImplData;
const auto bgVshad = ox::sfmt(bgvshadTmpl, glutils::GlslVersion);
const auto bgFshad = ox::sfmt(bgfshadTmpl, glutils::GlslVersion);
const auto spriteVshad = ox::sfmt(spritevshadTmpl, glutils::GlslVersion);
const auto spriteFshad = ox::sfmt(spritefshadTmpl, glutils::GlslVersion);
const auto id = ox::make<GlImplData>();
*rendererData = id;
id->bgShader = std::move(bgShader);
oxReturnError(glutils::buildShaderProgram(bgVshad.c_str(), bgFshad.c_str()).moveTo(&id->bgShader));
oxReturnError(glutils::buildShaderProgram(spriteVshad.c_str(), spriteFshad.c_str()).moveTo(&id->spriteShader));
for (auto &bg : id->cbbs) {
initBackgroundBufferset(ctx, id->bgShader, &bg);
initSpritesBufferset(ctx, id->spriteShader, &id->spriteBlocks);
return OxError(0);
@ -211,20 +345,43 @@ void shutdown(Context*, void *rendererData) noexcept {
void loadBgPalette(void *rendererData, const Palette &pal) noexcept {
const auto id = static_cast<GlImplData*>(rendererData);
static void loadPalette(GLuint shaderPgrm, const Palette &pal, bool firstIsTransparent = false) noexcept {
static constexpr std::size_t ColorCnt = 256;
ox::Array<GLfloat, ColorCnt * 4> palette{};
for (auto i = 0u; const auto c : pal.colors) {
id->palette[i++] = redf(c);
id->palette[i++] = greenf(c);
id->palette[i++] = bluef(c);
palette[i++] = redf(c);
palette[i++] = greenf(c);
palette[i++] = bluef(c);
palette[i++] = 255;
if (firstIsTransparent) {
palette[3] = 0;
const auto uniformPalette = static_cast<GLint>(glGetUniformLocation(shaderPgrm, "fPalette"));
glUniform4fv(uniformPalette, ColorCnt, palette.data());
void loadBgTexture(void *rendererData, unsigned cbbIdx, void *pixels, int w, int h) noexcept {
void loadBgPalette(void *rendererData, const Palette &pal) noexcept {
const auto id = static_cast<GlImplData*>(rendererData);
loadPalette(id->bgShader, pal);
void loadSpritePalette(void *rendererData, const Palette &pal) noexcept {
const auto id = static_cast<GlImplData*>(rendererData);
loadPalette(id->spriteShader, pal, true);
void loadBgTexture(void *rendererData, unsigned cbbIdx, const void *pixels, int w, int h) noexcept {
oxTracef("nostalgia::core::gfx::gl", "loadBgTexture: { cbbIdx: {}, w: {}, h: {} }", cbbIdx, w, h);
const auto id = static_cast<GlImplData*>(rendererData);
auto &tex = id->cbbs[cbbIdx].tex;
tex = loadTexture(w, h, pixels);
id->cbbs[cbbIdx].tex = loadTexture(w, h, pixels);
void loadSpriteTexture(void *rendererData, const void *pixels, int w, int h) noexcept {
oxTracef("nostalgia::core::gfx::gl", "loadSpriteTexture: { w: {}, h: {} }", w, h);
const auto id = static_cast<GlImplData*>(rendererData);
id->spriteBlocks.tex = loadTexture(w, h, pixels);
@ -275,6 +432,7 @@ void draw(Context *ctx) noexcept {
// render
for (const auto cd : ctx->drawers) {
@ -291,17 +449,31 @@ void clearTileLayer(Context *ctx, unsigned bgIdx) noexcept {
bg.updated = true;
void hideSprite(Context*, unsigned) noexcept {
void hideSprite(Context *ctx, unsigned idx) noexcept {
auto &id = *ctx->rendererData<renderer::GlImplData>();
auto vbo = &id.spriteBlocks.vertices[idx * renderer::SpriteVertexVboLength];
auto ebo = &id.spriteBlocks.elements[idx * renderer::SpriteVertexEboLength];
renderer::setSpriteBufferObject(ctx, idx * renderer::SpriteVertexVboRows, 0,
0, 0, 0, false, vbo, ebo);
id.spriteBlocks.updated = true;
void setSprite(Context*,
unsigned) noexcept {
void setSprite(Context *ctx,
unsigned idx,
int x,
int y,
unsigned tileIdx,
[[maybe_unused]] unsigned spriteShape,
[[maybe_unused]] unsigned spriteSize,
unsigned flipX) noexcept {
const auto uX = static_cast<unsigned>(x) % 255;
const auto uY = static_cast<unsigned>(y) % 127;
auto &id = *ctx->rendererData<renderer::GlImplData>();
auto vbo = &id.spriteBlocks.vertices[idx * renderer::SpriteVertexVboLength];
auto ebo = &id.spriteBlocks.elements[idx * renderer::SpriteVertexEboLength];
renderer::setSpriteBufferObject(ctx, idx * renderer::SpriteVertexVboRows, 1,
static_cast<float>(uX) / 8, static_cast<float>(uY) / 8, tileIdx, flipX, vbo, ebo);
id.spriteBlocks.updated = true;
void setTile(Context *ctx, unsigned bgIdx, int column, int row, uint8_t tile) noexcept {
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
namespace nostalgia::core {
ox::Result<char*> loadRom(ox::CRStringView path) noexcept {
std::ifstream file(toStdStringView(path), std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate);
std::ifstream file(std::string(toStdStringView(path)), std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate);
if (!file.good()) {
oxErrorf("Could not find ROM file: {}", path);
return OxError(1, "Could not find ROM file");
@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ static int spriteY = 64;
static int updateHandler(core::Context *ctx) noexcept {
int xmod = 0;
int ymod = 0;
if (core::buttonDown(ctx, core::GamePad_Right)) {
if (core::buttonDown(ctx, core::Alpha_D) || core::buttonDown(ctx, core::GamePad_Right)) {
xmod = 2;
} else if (core::buttonDown(ctx, core::GamePad_Left)) {
} else if (core::buttonDown(ctx, core::Alpha_A) || core::buttonDown(ctx, core::GamePad_Left)) {
xmod = -2;
if (core::buttonDown(ctx, core::GamePad_Down)) {
if (core::buttonDown(ctx, core::Alpha_S) || core::buttonDown(ctx, core::GamePad_Down)) {
ymod = 2;
} else if (core::buttonDown(ctx, core::GamePad_Up)) {
} else if (core::buttonDown(ctx, core::Alpha_W) || core::buttonDown(ctx, core::GamePad_Up)) {
ymod = -2;
if (!xmod && !ymod) {
@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ static int updateHandler(core::Context *ctx) noexcept {
spriteX += xmod;
spriteY += ymod;
constexpr auto s = "nostalgia";
constexpr ox::StringView s = "nostalgia";
for (unsigned i = 0; s[i]; ++i) {
const auto c = static_cast<unsigned>(s[i] - ('a' - 1));
core::setSprite(ctx, i, static_cast<unsigned>(spriteX) + 8 * (i + 1), static_cast<unsigned>(spriteY), c);
core::setSprite(ctx, i, spriteX + 8 * (static_cast<int>(i) + 1), spriteY, c);
return 16;
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