2022-05-25 20:36:50 -05:00
Native File Dialog Extended
Repository: https://github.com/btzy/nativefiledialog-extended
License: Zlib
Author: Bernard Teo
/* only locally define UNICODE in this compilation unit */
#ifndef UNICODE
#define UNICODE
#ifdef __MINGW32__
// Explicitly setting NTDDI version, this is necessary for the MinGW compiler
#if _MSC_VER
// see
// https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/185399/error-c2760-in-combaseapih-with-windows-sdk-81-and.html
struct IUnknown; // Workaround for "combaseapi.h(229): error C2187: syntax error: 'identifier' was
// unexpected here" when using /permissive-
#include <assert.h>
#include <shobjidl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "nfd.h"
namespace {
/* current error */
const char* g_errorstr = nullptr;
void NFDi_SetError(const char* msg) {
g_errorstr = msg;
template <typename T = void>
T* NFDi_Malloc(size_t bytes) {
void* ptr = malloc(bytes);
if (!ptr) NFDi_SetError("NFDi_Malloc failed.");
return static_cast<T*>(ptr);
template <typename T>
void NFDi_Free(T* ptr) {
/* guard objects */
template <typename T>
struct Release_Guard {
T* data;
Release_Guard(T* releasable) noexcept : data(releasable) {}
~Release_Guard() { data->Release(); }
template <typename T>
struct Free_Guard {
T* data;
Free_Guard(T* freeable) noexcept : data(freeable) {}
~Free_Guard() { NFDi_Free(data); }
template <typename T>
struct FreeCheck_Guard {
T* data;
FreeCheck_Guard(T* freeable = nullptr) noexcept : data(freeable) {}
~FreeCheck_Guard() {
if (data) NFDi_Free(data);
/* helper functions */
nfdresult_t AddFiltersToDialog(::IFileDialog* fileOpenDialog,
const nfdnfilteritem_t* filterList,
nfdfiltersize_t filterCount) {
/* filterCount plus 1 because we hardcode the *.* wildcard after the while loop */
NFDi_Malloc<COMDLG_FILTERSPEC>(sizeof(COMDLG_FILTERSPEC) * (filterCount + 1));
if (!specList) {
return NFD_ERROR;
/* ad-hoc RAII object to free memory when destructing */
nfdfiltersize_t index;
: _specList(specList), index(0) {}
for (--index; index != static_cast<nfdfiltersize_t>(-1); --index) {
COMDLG_FILTERSPEC_Guard specListGuard(specList);
if (filterCount) {
// we have filters to add ... format and add them
// use the index that comes from the RAII object (instead of making a copy), so the RAII
// object will know which memory to free
nfdfiltersize_t& index = specListGuard.index;
for (; index != filterCount; ++index) {
// set the friendly name of this filter
specList[index].pszName = filterList[index].name;
// set the specification of this filter...
// count number of file extensions
size_t sep = 1;
for (const nfdnchar_t* p_spec = filterList[index].spec; *p_spec; ++p_spec) {
if (*p_spec == L',') {
// calculate space needed (including the trailing '\0')
size_t specSize = sep * 2 + wcslen(filterList[index].spec) + 1;
// malloc the required memory and populate it
nfdnchar_t* specBuf = NFDi_Malloc<nfdnchar_t>(sizeof(nfdnchar_t) * specSize);
if (!specBuf) {
// automatic freeing of memory via COMDLG_FILTERSPEC_Guard
return NFD_ERROR;
// convert "png,jpg" to "*.png;*.jpg" as required by Windows ...
nfdnchar_t* p_specBuf = specBuf;
*p_specBuf++ = L'*';
*p_specBuf++ = L'.';
for (const nfdnchar_t* p_spec = filterList[index].spec; *p_spec; ++p_spec) {
if (*p_spec == L',') {
*p_specBuf++ = L';';
*p_specBuf++ = L'*';
*p_specBuf++ = L'.';
} else {
*p_specBuf++ = *p_spec;
*p_specBuf++ = L'\0';
// assert that we had allocated exactly the correct amount of memory that we used
assert(static_cast<size_t>(p_specBuf - specBuf) == specSize);
// save the buffer to the guard object
specList[index].pszSpec = specBuf;
/* Add wildcard */
specList[filterCount].pszName = L"All files";
specList[filterCount].pszSpec = L"*.*";
// add the filter to the dialog
if (!SUCCEEDED(fileOpenDialog->SetFileTypes(filterCount + 1, specList))) {
NFDi_SetError("Failed to set the allowable file types for the drop-down menu.");
return NFD_ERROR;
// automatic freeing of memory via COMDLG_FILTERSPEC_Guard
return NFD_OKAY;
/* call after AddFiltersToDialog */
nfdresult_t SetDefaultExtension(::IFileDialog* fileOpenDialog,
const nfdnfilteritem_t* filterList,
nfdfiltersize_t filterCount) {
// if there are no filters, then don't set default extensions
if (!filterCount) {
return NFD_OKAY;
// set the first item as the default index, and set the default extension
if (!SUCCEEDED(fileOpenDialog->SetFileTypeIndex(1))) {
NFDi_SetError("Failed to set the selected file type index.");
return NFD_ERROR;
// set the first item as the default file extension
const nfdnchar_t* p_spec = filterList[0].spec;
for (; *p_spec; ++p_spec) {
if (*p_spec == ',') {
if (*p_spec) {
// multiple file extensions for this type (need to allocate memory)
2024-12-06 00:12:38 -06:00
size_t numChars = static_cast<size_t>(p_spec - filterList[0].spec);
2022-05-25 20:36:50 -05:00
// allocate one more char space for the '\0'
nfdnchar_t* extnBuf = NFDi_Malloc<nfdnchar_t>(sizeof(nfdnchar_t) * (numChars + 1));
if (!extnBuf) {
return NFD_ERROR;
Free_Guard<nfdnchar_t> extnBufGuard(extnBuf);
// copy the extension
for (size_t i = 0; i != numChars; ++i) {
extnBuf[i] = filterList[0].spec[i];
// pad with trailing '\0'
extnBuf[numChars] = L'\0';
if (!SUCCEEDED(fileOpenDialog->SetDefaultExtension(extnBuf))) {
NFDi_SetError("Failed to set default extension.");
return NFD_ERROR;
} else {
// single file extension for this type (no need to allocate memory)
if (!SUCCEEDED(fileOpenDialog->SetDefaultExtension(filterList[0].spec))) {
NFDi_SetError("Failed to set default extension.");
return NFD_ERROR;
return NFD_OKAY;
nfdresult_t SetDefaultPath(IFileDialog* dialog, const nfdnchar_t* defaultPath) {
if (!defaultPath || !*defaultPath) return NFD_OKAY;
IShellItem* folder;
HRESULT result = SHCreateItemFromParsingName(defaultPath, nullptr, IID_PPV_ARGS(&folder));
// Valid non results.
return NFD_OKAY;
if (!SUCCEEDED(result)) {
NFDi_SetError("Failed to create ShellItem for setting the default path.");
return NFD_ERROR;
Release_Guard<IShellItem> folderGuard(folder);
// SetDefaultFolder() might use another recently used folder if available, so the user doesn't
// need to keep navigating back to the default folder (recommended by Windows). change to
// SetFolder() if you always want to use the default folder
if (!SUCCEEDED(dialog->SetDefaultFolder(folder))) {
NFDi_SetError("Failed to set default path.");
return NFD_ERROR;
return NFD_OKAY;
nfdresult_t SetDefaultName(IFileDialog* dialog, const nfdnchar_t* defaultName) {
if (!defaultName || !*defaultName) return NFD_OKAY;
if (!SUCCEEDED(dialog->SetFileName(defaultName))) {
NFDi_SetError("Failed to set default file name.");
return NFD_ERROR;
return NFD_OKAY;
nfdresult_t AddOptions(IFileDialog* dialog, FILEOPENDIALOGOPTIONS options) {
if (!SUCCEEDED(dialog->GetOptions(&existingOptions))) {
NFDi_SetError("Failed to get options.");
return NFD_ERROR;
if (!SUCCEEDED(dialog->SetOptions(existingOptions | options))) {
NFDi_SetError("Failed to set options.");
return NFD_ERROR;
return NFD_OKAY;
} // namespace
const char* NFD_GetError(void) {
return g_errorstr;
void NFD_ClearError(void) {
/* public */
namespace {
// The user might have initialized with COINIT_MULTITHREADED before,
// in which case we will fail to do CoInitializeEx(), but file dialogs will still work.
// See https://github.com/mlabbe/nativefiledialog/issues/72 for more information.
bool needs_uninitialize;
} // namespace
nfdresult_t NFD_Init(void) {
// Init COM library.
HRESULT result =
if (SUCCEEDED(result)) {
needs_uninitialize = true;
return NFD_OKAY;
} else if (result == RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE) {
// If this happens, the user already initialized COM using COINIT_MULTITHREADED,
// so COM will still work, but we shouldn't uninitialize it later.
needs_uninitialize = false;
return NFD_OKAY;
} else {
NFDi_SetError("Failed to initialize COM.");
return NFD_ERROR;
void NFD_Quit(void) {
if (needs_uninitialize) ::CoUninitialize();
void NFD_FreePathN(nfdnchar_t* filePath) {
nfdresult_t NFD_OpenDialogN(nfdnchar_t** outPath,
const nfdnfilteritem_t* filterList,
nfdfiltersize_t filterCount,
const nfdnchar_t* defaultPath) {
::IFileOpenDialog* fileOpenDialog;
// Create dialog
HRESULT result = ::CoCreateInstance(::CLSID_FileOpenDialog,
if (!SUCCEEDED(result)) {
NFDi_SetError("Could not create dialog.");
return NFD_ERROR;
// make sure we remember to free the dialog
Release_Guard<::IFileOpenDialog> fileOpenDialogGuard(fileOpenDialog);
// Build the filter list
if (!AddFiltersToDialog(fileOpenDialog, filterList, filterCount)) {
return NFD_ERROR;
// Set auto-completed default extension
if (!SetDefaultExtension(fileOpenDialog, filterList, filterCount)) {
return NFD_ERROR;
// Set the default path
if (!SetDefaultPath(fileOpenDialog, defaultPath)) {
return NFD_ERROR;
// Only show file system items
if (!AddOptions(fileOpenDialog, ::FOS_FORCEFILESYSTEM)) {
return NFD_ERROR;
// Show the dialog.
result = fileOpenDialog->Show(nullptr);
if (SUCCEEDED(result)) {
// Get the file name
::IShellItem* psiResult;
result = fileOpenDialog->GetResult(&psiResult);
if (!SUCCEEDED(result)) {
NFDi_SetError("Could not get shell item from dialog.");
return NFD_ERROR;
Release_Guard<::IShellItem> psiResultGuard(psiResult);
nfdnchar_t* filePath;
result = psiResult->GetDisplayName(::SIGDN_FILESYSPATH, &filePath);
if (!SUCCEEDED(result)) {
NFDi_SetError("Could not get file path from shell item returned by dialog.");
return NFD_ERROR;
*outPath = filePath;
return NFD_OKAY;
} else if (result == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_CANCELLED)) {
return NFD_CANCEL;
} else {
NFDi_SetError("File dialog box show failed.");
return NFD_ERROR;
nfdresult_t NFD_OpenDialogMultipleN(const nfdpathset_t** outPaths,
const nfdnfilteritem_t* filterList,
nfdfiltersize_t filterCount,
const nfdnchar_t* defaultPath) {
::IFileOpenDialog* fileOpenDialog(nullptr);
// Create dialog
HRESULT result = ::CoCreateInstance(::CLSID_FileOpenDialog,
if (!SUCCEEDED(result)) {
NFDi_SetError("Could not create dialog.");
return NFD_ERROR;
// make sure we remember to free the dialog
Release_Guard<::IFileOpenDialog> fileOpenDialogGuard(fileOpenDialog);
// Build the filter list
if (!AddFiltersToDialog(fileOpenDialog, filterList, filterCount)) {
return NFD_ERROR;
// Set auto-completed default extension
if (!SetDefaultExtension(fileOpenDialog, filterList, filterCount)) {
return NFD_ERROR;
// Set the default path
if (!SetDefaultPath(fileOpenDialog, defaultPath)) {
return NFD_ERROR;
// Set a flag for multiple options and file system items only
if (!AddOptions(fileOpenDialog, ::FOS_FORCEFILESYSTEM | ::FOS_ALLOWMULTISELECT)) {
return NFD_ERROR;
// Show the dialog.
result = fileOpenDialog->Show(nullptr);
if (SUCCEEDED(result)) {
::IShellItemArray* shellItems;
result = fileOpenDialog->GetResults(&shellItems);
if (!SUCCEEDED(result)) {
NFDi_SetError("Could not get shell items.");
return NFD_ERROR;
// save the path set to the output
*outPaths = static_cast<void*>(shellItems);
return NFD_OKAY;
} else if (result == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_CANCELLED)) {
return NFD_CANCEL;
} else {
NFDi_SetError("File dialog box show failed.");
return NFD_ERROR;
nfdresult_t NFD_SaveDialogN(nfdnchar_t** outPath,
const nfdnfilteritem_t* filterList,
nfdfiltersize_t filterCount,
const nfdnchar_t* defaultPath,
const nfdnchar_t* defaultName) {
::IFileSaveDialog* fileSaveDialog;
// Create dialog
HRESULT result = ::CoCreateInstance(::CLSID_FileSaveDialog,
if (!SUCCEEDED(result)) {
NFDi_SetError("Could not create dialog.");
return NFD_ERROR;
// make sure we remember to free the dialog
Release_Guard<::IFileSaveDialog> fileSaveDialogGuard(fileSaveDialog);
// Build the filter list
if (!AddFiltersToDialog(fileSaveDialog, filterList, filterCount)) {
return NFD_ERROR;
// Set default extension
if (!SetDefaultExtension(fileSaveDialog, filterList, filterCount)) {
return NFD_ERROR;
// Set the default path
if (!SetDefaultPath(fileSaveDialog, defaultPath)) {
return NFD_ERROR;
// Set the default name
if (!SetDefaultName(fileSaveDialog, defaultName)) {
return NFD_ERROR;
// Only show file system items
if (!AddOptions(fileSaveDialog, ::FOS_FORCEFILESYSTEM)) {
return NFD_ERROR;
// Show the dialog.
result = fileSaveDialog->Show(nullptr);
if (SUCCEEDED(result)) {
// Get the file name
::IShellItem* psiResult;
result = fileSaveDialog->GetResult(&psiResult);
if (!SUCCEEDED(result)) {
NFDi_SetError("Could not get shell item from dialog.");
return NFD_ERROR;
Release_Guard<::IShellItem> psiResultGuard(psiResult);
nfdnchar_t* filePath;
result = psiResult->GetDisplayName(::SIGDN_FILESYSPATH, &filePath);
if (!SUCCEEDED(result)) {
NFDi_SetError("Could not get file path from shell item returned by dialog.");
return NFD_ERROR;
*outPath = filePath;
return NFD_OKAY;
} else if (result == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_CANCELLED)) {
return NFD_CANCEL;
} else {
NFDi_SetError("File dialog box show failed.");
return NFD_ERROR;
nfdresult_t NFD_PickFolderN(nfdnchar_t** outPath, const nfdnchar_t* defaultPath) {
::IFileOpenDialog* fileOpenDialog;
// Create dialog
if (!SUCCEEDED(::CoCreateInstance(::CLSID_FileOpenDialog,
reinterpret_cast<void**>(&fileOpenDialog)))) {
NFDi_SetError("Could not create dialog.");
return NFD_ERROR;
Release_Guard<::IFileOpenDialog> fileOpenDialogGuard(fileOpenDialog);
// Set the default path
if (!SetDefaultPath(fileOpenDialog, defaultPath)) {
return NFD_ERROR;
// Only show items that are folders and on the file system
if (!AddOptions(fileOpenDialog, ::FOS_FORCEFILESYSTEM | ::FOS_PICKFOLDERS)) {
return NFD_ERROR;
// Show the dialog to the user
const HRESULT result = fileOpenDialog->Show(nullptr);
return NFD_CANCEL;
} else if (!SUCCEEDED(result)) {
NFDi_SetError("File dialog box show failed.");
return NFD_ERROR;
// Get the shell item result
::IShellItem* psiResult;
if (!SUCCEEDED(fileOpenDialog->GetResult(&psiResult))) {
return NFD_ERROR;
Release_Guard<::IShellItem> psiResultGuard(psiResult);
// Finally get the path
nfdnchar_t* filePath;
// Why are we not using SIGDN_FILESYSPATH?
if (!SUCCEEDED(psiResult->GetDisplayName(::SIGDN_DESKTOPABSOLUTEPARSING, &filePath))) {
NFDi_SetError("Could not get file path from shell item returned by dialog.");
return NFD_ERROR;
*outPath = filePath;
return NFD_OKAY;
nfdresult_t NFD_PathSet_GetCount(const nfdpathset_t* pathSet, nfdpathsetsize_t* count) {
// const_cast because methods on IShellItemArray aren't const, but it should act like const to
// the caller
::IShellItemArray* psiaPathSet =
const_cast<::IShellItemArray*>(static_cast<const ::IShellItemArray*>(pathSet));
DWORD numPaths;
if (!SUCCEEDED(psiaPathSet->GetCount(&numPaths))) {
NFDi_SetError("Could not get path count.");
return NFD_ERROR;
*count = numPaths;
return NFD_OKAY;
nfdresult_t NFD_PathSet_GetPathN(const nfdpathset_t* pathSet,
nfdpathsetsize_t index,
nfdnchar_t** outPath) {
// const_cast because methods on IShellItemArray aren't const, but it should act like const to
// the caller
::IShellItemArray* psiaPathSet =
const_cast<::IShellItemArray*>(static_cast<const ::IShellItemArray*>(pathSet));
::IShellItem* psiPath;
if (!SUCCEEDED(psiaPathSet->GetItemAt(index, &psiPath))) {
NFDi_SetError("Could not get shell item.");
return NFD_ERROR;
Release_Guard<::IShellItem> psiPathGuard(psiPath);
nfdnchar_t* name;
if (!SUCCEEDED(psiPath->GetDisplayName(::SIGDN_FILESYSPATH, &name))) {
NFDi_SetError("Could not get file path from shell item.");
return NFD_ERROR;
*outPath = name;
return NFD_OKAY;
nfdresult_t NFD_PathSet_GetEnum(const nfdpathset_t* pathSet, nfdpathsetenum_t* outEnumerator) {
// const_cast because methods on IShellItemArray aren't const, but it should act like const to
// the caller
::IShellItemArray* psiaPathSet =
const_cast<::IShellItemArray*>(static_cast<const ::IShellItemArray*>(pathSet));
::IEnumShellItems* pesiPaths;
if (!SUCCEEDED(psiaPathSet->EnumItems(&pesiPaths))) {
NFDi_SetError("Could not get enumerator.");
return NFD_ERROR;
outEnumerator->ptr = static_cast<void*>(pesiPaths);
return NFD_OKAY;
void NFD_PathSet_FreeEnum(nfdpathsetenum_t* enumerator) {
::IEnumShellItems* pesiPaths = static_cast<::IEnumShellItems*>(enumerator->ptr);
// free the enumerator memory
nfdresult_t NFD_PathSet_EnumNextN(nfdpathsetenum_t* enumerator, nfdnchar_t** outPath) {
::IEnumShellItems* pesiPaths = static_cast<::IEnumShellItems*>(enumerator->ptr);
::IShellItem* psiPath;
HRESULT res = pesiPaths->Next(1, &psiPath, NULL);
if (!SUCCEEDED(res)) {
NFDi_SetError("Could not get next item of enumerator.");
return NFD_ERROR;
if (res != S_OK) {
*outPath = nullptr;
return NFD_OKAY;
Release_Guard<::IShellItem> psiPathGuard(psiPath);
nfdnchar_t* name;
if (!SUCCEEDED(psiPath->GetDisplayName(::SIGDN_FILESYSPATH, &name))) {
NFDi_SetError("Could not get file path from shell item.");
return NFD_ERROR;
*outPath = name;
return NFD_OKAY;
void NFD_PathSet_Free(const nfdpathset_t* pathSet) {
// const_cast because methods on IShellItemArray aren't const, but it should act like const to
// the caller
::IShellItemArray* psiaPathSet =
const_cast<::IShellItemArray*>(static_cast<const ::IShellItemArray*>(pathSet));
// free the path set memory
namespace {
// allocs the space in outStr -- call NFDi_Free()
nfdresult_t CopyCharToWChar(const nfdu8char_t* inStr, nfdnchar_t*& outStr) {
int charsNeeded = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, inStr, -1, nullptr, 0);
2024-12-06 00:12:38 -06:00
nfdnchar_t* tmp_outStr = NFDi_Malloc<nfdnchar_t>(sizeof(nfdnchar_t) * static_cast<size_t>(charsNeeded));
2022-05-25 20:36:50 -05:00
if (!tmp_outStr) {
return NFD_ERROR;
int ret = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, inStr, -1, tmp_outStr, charsNeeded);
assert(ret && ret == charsNeeded);
(void)ret; // prevent warning in release build
outStr = tmp_outStr;
return NFD_OKAY;
// allocs the space in outPath -- call NFDi_Free()
nfdresult_t CopyWCharToNFDChar(const nfdnchar_t* inStr, nfdu8char_t*& outStr) {
int bytesNeeded = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, inStr, -1, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr);
2024-12-06 00:12:38 -06:00
nfdu8char_t* tmp_outStr = NFDi_Malloc<nfdu8char_t>(sizeof(nfdu8char_t) * static_cast<size_t>(bytesNeeded));
2022-05-25 20:36:50 -05:00
if (!tmp_outStr) {
return NFD_ERROR;
int ret = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, inStr, -1, tmp_outStr, bytesNeeded, nullptr, nullptr);
assert(ret && ret == bytesNeeded);
(void)ret; // prevent warning in release build
outStr = tmp_outStr;
return NFD_OKAY;
struct FilterItem_Guard {
nfdnfilteritem_t* data;
nfdfiltersize_t index;
FilterItem_Guard() noexcept : data(nullptr), index(0) {}
~FilterItem_Guard() {
assert(data || index == 0);
for (--index; index != static_cast<nfdfiltersize_t>(-1); --index) {
if (data) NFDi_Free(data);
nfdresult_t CopyFilterItem(const nfdu8filteritem_t* filterList,
nfdfiltersize_t count,
FilterItem_Guard& filterItemsNGuard) {
if (count) {
nfdnfilteritem_t*& filterItemsN = filterItemsNGuard.data;
filterItemsN = NFDi_Malloc<nfdnfilteritem_t>(sizeof(nfdnfilteritem_t) * count);
if (!filterItemsN) {
return NFD_ERROR;
nfdfiltersize_t& index = filterItemsNGuard.index;
for (; index != count; ++index) {
nfdresult_t res = CopyCharToWChar(filterList[index].name,
if (!res) {
return NFD_ERROR;
res = CopyCharToWChar(filterList[index].spec,
if (!res) {
// remember to free the name, because we also created it (and it won't be protected
// by the guard, because we have not incremented the index)
return NFD_ERROR;
return NFD_OKAY;
nfdresult_t ConvertU8ToNative(const nfdu8char_t* u8Text, FreeCheck_Guard<nfdnchar_t>& nativeText) {
if (u8Text) {
nfdresult_t res = CopyCharToWChar(u8Text, nativeText.data);
if (!res) {
return NFD_ERROR;
return NFD_OKAY;
void NormalizePathSeparator(nfdnchar_t* path) {
if (path) {
for (; *path; ++path) {
if (*path == L'/') *path = L'\\';
} // namespace
void NFD_FreePathU8(nfdu8char_t* outPath) {
nfdresult_t NFD_OpenDialogU8(nfdu8char_t** outPath,
const nfdu8filteritem_t* filterList,
nfdfiltersize_t count,
const nfdu8char_t* defaultPath) {
// populate the real nfdnfilteritem_t
FilterItem_Guard filterItemsNGuard;
if (!CopyFilterItem(filterList, count, filterItemsNGuard)) {
return NFD_ERROR;
// convert and normalize the default path, but only if it is not nullptr
FreeCheck_Guard<nfdnchar_t> defaultPathNGuard;
ConvertU8ToNative(defaultPath, defaultPathNGuard);
// call the native function
nfdnchar_t* outPathN;
nfdresult_t res =
NFD_OpenDialogN(&outPathN, filterItemsNGuard.data, count, defaultPathNGuard.data);
if (res != NFD_OKAY) {
return res;
// convert the outPath to UTF-8
res = CopyWCharToNFDChar(outPathN, *outPath);
// free the native out path, and return the result
return res;
/* multiple file open dialog */
/* It is the caller's responsibility to free `outPaths` via NFD_PathSet_Free() if this function
* returns NFD_OKAY */
nfdresult_t NFD_OpenDialogMultipleU8(const nfdpathset_t** outPaths,
const nfdu8filteritem_t* filterList,
nfdfiltersize_t count,
const nfdu8char_t* defaultPath) {
// populate the real nfdnfilteritem_t
FilterItem_Guard filterItemsNGuard;
if (!CopyFilterItem(filterList, count, filterItemsNGuard)) {
return NFD_ERROR;
// convert and normalize the default path, but only if it is not nullptr
FreeCheck_Guard<nfdnchar_t> defaultPathNGuard;
ConvertU8ToNative(defaultPath, defaultPathNGuard);
// call the native function
return NFD_OpenDialogMultipleN(outPaths, filterItemsNGuard.data, count, defaultPathNGuard.data);
/* save dialog */
/* It is the caller's responsibility to free `outPath` via NFD_FreePathU8() if this function returns
nfdresult_t NFD_SaveDialogU8(nfdu8char_t** outPath,
const nfdu8filteritem_t* filterList,
nfdfiltersize_t count,
const nfdu8char_t* defaultPath,
const nfdu8char_t* defaultName) {
// populate the real nfdnfilteritem_t
FilterItem_Guard filterItemsNGuard;
if (!CopyFilterItem(filterList, count, filterItemsNGuard)) {
return NFD_ERROR;
// convert and normalize the default path, but only if it is not nullptr
FreeCheck_Guard<nfdnchar_t> defaultPathNGuard;
ConvertU8ToNative(defaultPath, defaultPathNGuard);
// convert the default name, but only if it is not nullptr
FreeCheck_Guard<nfdnchar_t> defaultNameNGuard;
ConvertU8ToNative(defaultName, defaultNameNGuard);
// call the native function
nfdnchar_t* outPathN;
nfdresult_t res = NFD_SaveDialogN(
&outPathN, filterItemsNGuard.data, count, defaultPathNGuard.data, defaultNameNGuard.data);
if (res != NFD_OKAY) {
return res;
// convert the outPath to UTF-8
res = CopyWCharToNFDChar(outPathN, *outPath);
// free the native out path, and return the result
return res;
/* select folder dialog */
/* It is the caller's responsibility to free `outPath` via NFD_FreePathU8() if this function returns
nfdresult_t NFD_PickFolderU8(nfdu8char_t** outPath, const nfdu8char_t* defaultPath) {
// convert and normalize the default path, but only if it is not nullptr
FreeCheck_Guard<nfdnchar_t> defaultPathNGuard;
ConvertU8ToNative(defaultPath, defaultPathNGuard);
// call the native function
nfdnchar_t* outPathN;
nfdresult_t res = NFD_PickFolderN(&outPathN, defaultPathNGuard.data);
if (res != NFD_OKAY) {
return res;
// convert the outPath to UTF-8
res = CopyWCharToNFDChar(outPathN, *outPath);
// free the native out path, and return the result
return res;
/* Get the UTF-8 path at offset index */
/* It is the caller's responsibility to free `outPath` via NFD_FreePathU8() if this function returns
nfdresult_t NFD_PathSet_GetPathU8(const nfdpathset_t* pathSet,
nfdpathsetsize_t index,
nfdu8char_t** outPath) {
// call the native function
nfdnchar_t* outPathN;
nfdresult_t res = NFD_PathSet_GetPathN(pathSet, index, &outPathN);
if (res != NFD_OKAY) {
return res;
// convert the outPath to UTF-8
res = CopyWCharToNFDChar(outPathN, *outPath);
// free the native out path, and return the result
return res;
nfdresult_t NFD_PathSet_EnumNextU8(nfdpathsetenum_t* enumerator, nfdu8char_t** outPath) {
// call the native function
nfdnchar_t* outPathN;
nfdresult_t res = NFD_PathSet_EnumNextN(enumerator, &outPathN);
if (res != NFD_OKAY) {
return res;
if (outPathN) {
// convert the outPath to UTF-8
res = CopyWCharToNFDChar(outPathN, *outPath);
// free the native out path, and return the result
} else {
*outPath = nullptr;
res = NFD_OKAY;
return res;